Wednesday 25 October 2023

Leadership Qualities Tournement


My Inspiring Leader Slide


This is week I made My Inspiring Leader Slide. I made my slide about Caleb Smith/ Otaki Colleges Head Boy.

Disc Test


Today in Manukura Sam has told us to complete the Disc test. In this test you answer questions about what kind of personality you have. My Disc type is called The Planner, the photo I placed in above will show you. The photo wil also tell you a bit about what my personality type is about.

After I had finished the test the website asked me to sign up for free, so I did. Then as I was signed in it showed me all these other statistics about my personality traits, and my behaviour. Although this site has been pretty acurate I would argue that I am more autonomous than it says I am.

Friday 13 October 2023

I think that Leadership is...

I think that leadership is standing up for the people around you. Like leading your football team by being the capitan and encouraging all of your team to do there best. But to get into a position like that you need to show respect to your team so they know that you are a trust worthy person that can actually lead a team or group forwards. My example for this would be Giorgio, he was the captain of my football team this year and he always did his best to raise everyones spirits and no matter what happens he would try his best to stay positive. To sum it up I think that leadership takes someone that trust themself and the people around them, and is willing to take the role of a leader.



This week we have started our new Manukura Class. And the first work we have been assinged is to make a KO WAI AU ( About Me ) presentation.